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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 07-01-06
    방문 : 3125회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : humorstory_134615
    작성자 : 인큐버스
    추천 : 3
    조회수 : 569
    IP : 122.33.***.2
    댓글 : 0개
    등록시간 : 2007/03/12 08:26:55
    http://todayhumor.com/?humorstory_134615 모바일
    "첼시 v 토튼햄) 이영표 선수 평가 "

    LEE YOUNG-PYO ( 이 영 표)
    Premiership | Tottenham Hotspur
    by foreverlilywhite 09 March 2007


    Can we please give a big cheer for this guy.....I have supported him all along unlike most of the Tottenham fans on these boards.If you get behind this guy he will become one of the most dependable left-backs in the country.

    우리, 제발 이 선수를 응원해 줄수 없을까.. 나는 이 포스트 보드에 있는 팬들과는

    틀리게 이 선수를 오래전부터 응원해 왔었다구. 만약 이 선수를 응원해 준다면 이 선수는

    이 나라에서 가장 믿을만한 왼쪽 풀백이 될꺼라고.

    If we EVER decide to get him some cover....he will be some player.You dont play all those games in the Champions League and World Cup dont forget unless you are half decent.

    만약 우리가 이 선수를 커버해줄 사람을 찾은다면 *윙어*

    그는 정말 특별한 선수가 될꺼야.

    만약 니가 실력이 없는 선수라면 챔스에서나 월드컵에서 뛸수는 없다고.

    I think he has has been excellent over the past 4 games against a lot of intimidation from the likes of West Ham,Bolton,Everton and even the right winger last night......lets start singing his name....he will appreciate it no end.

    나는 그가 지난 4 게임에서 다른 상대 팀을 상대로 아주 훌륭히 해줬다고 생각해

    - 웨스트햄 볼튼 에버튼 그리고 어제의 오른쪽 윙어를 상대로 말이야.

    이제부터 그의 이름을 넣어 노래를 불러자자구.. 그는 그걸 정말 감사히 여길꺼야.

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    comment by BerbatovCocktail
    posted Yesterday

    Has nobody noticed, Lee HAS been going on the outside - for his whole career at Spurs? You all complain that he's too right footed, but for me he has always at least tried to get a cross in with his left.

    아무도 그가 스퍼스에 있었을때부터 그 후까지 계속해서 팀에 없는듯 다뤄지고 있었다는걸 모르는거야?

    너희들은 항상 그가 오른쪽 발만 사용하다고 하지만 내가 볼때는 그는 왼쪽으로 크로스들을 넣을려고 노력해왔어.

    Ok, I admit that in the past his left footed crosses tended to go behind the goal... but he seems to have improved recently.

    그래. 나도 그가 예전에 올린

    그의 왼쪽 크로스들이 골 뒸쪽으로 갔다고 인정할께, 하지만 그는 최근에 그걸 향샹시킨거 같아.

    May I point out that Chris Houghton was a right footed left back? It is not as big a problem as everyone makes out.

    내가 Chirs Houghton이 오른발 왼쪽 백이였다는걸 말해줘도 될까? 허나 아무도 그걸 문제삼지 않았어.

    Also, I wish everyone would stop complaining about Lennon on the left. I reckon Fat Tony knows what he's doing. We already know he is dynamite on the right... maybe Martin is trying to get him to be deadly where-ever he plays - a la Ronaldo.

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    comment by Nice1CyrilNice1Son
    posted Yesterday

    Sorry guys - a few good performances by Lee doesn't suddenly see him become a quality player. He is still poor at marking at set pieces, has awful distribution, can't cross a ball on a consistently regular basis and wins naff-all in the air. A good squad player to be used as back-up but we still need a quality LB (Leighton Baines) and a LM (Wilhelmson) to galvanise the team into a sustained challenge for honours on a consitent basis.

    미안해 친구들 - 허나 몇몇 좋은 게임들을 보여줬다고 해서

    그가 갑자기 좋은 선수가 됐다고는 말라고 할수는 없어.

    그는 아직까지고 세트 플레이를 만드는게 부족해 보이고,

    배급률도 엉망이지, 항상 좋은 크로스들을 올릴수 없고, 또한 공중에서는 아무것도 못하지.

    백업선수로는 괜찮지만 우리는 더 나은 선수들이 필요해.

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    comment by U7028877
    posted Yesterday

    his only other problem apart from his right footednes is that he doesnt stop the cross

    그가 오른발을 사용한다는것 말고 그가 가진 다른 문제는 그는 크로스들을 멈추지 않다는거야.

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    comment by MightySpurs06-07
    posted Yesterday

    If we got Ekotto playing at his best, we could probably play him on the left wing.

    만약 우리가 에코토의 최고의 폼으로 그를 풀백으로 보낸다면 리를 왼쪽 윙어로 사용할수 있을꺼야.

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    comment by thetottenhamresolver
    posted 8 Hours Ago

    foreverlilywhite, i cud not agree n e more wiv u. Lee Young-Pyo has shown significant improvement since his time at tottenham.

    니 말에 동감할수밖에 없어. 이영표는 처음 그가 여기서 시작할때와 비교해 아주 큰 발전을 햇지.

    I remember in the 2004/2005 season it was because of him we lost 2 man utd at old trafford. Now, we owe him the victory at west ham because he set lennon on a run which led 2 teemu tainios excellent volley 2 level things at 2-2, but now only did he do that he made da match winnin tackle which led 2 defoes shot nd stalteri's tap in.

    나는 04/05 시즌때 그로 인해 맨유에서 2골로 졌을때를 기억하지. 지금은 그로 인해 이겼던 웨스트햄을 경기를 보고

    감사해야돼. (중략)

    Now, ive seen fello spurs supporters critise Lee Young-Pyo crossing, and i have 2 say that i have not seen him do 1 bad cross wiv his left foot, and that u cant just sit there critising Lee Young-Pyo's left footed crossing because it is incredibly hard 2 cross wiv ur left foot wen u r right footed. Take that from a boy who plays left back for his school A team and is right footed.

    스퍼스 팬들이 그의 크로싱에 대해 많은 비판을 하지만 나는 그가 그의 왼발을 사용해 올린 나쁜 크로스를 본적이 없어.

    또한 쉽게 그가 왼쪽으로 올린 크로스들을 비판 할수없지, 오른발 선수가 왼쪽으로 크로스를 올리는건

    아주 힘드니까 말야.

    Now, on the subject of left sided players, i reckon we shud keep lee young-pyo and encourage him, because benoit assou ekotto is playin very badly. If we can bag Heinze from United, or Bridge from chelsea den we shud, but if noit den we shud stick wiv Lee Young-Pyo.

    왼쪽발을 사용하는 선수에 관해서는 말야, 내 생각으로는 그를 계속해서 뛰게 만들고 용기를 나게 해줘야돼,

    왜냐하면 에코토는 잘 못하거든. 만약 맨유의 헤인즈나 첼시의 브릿지를 데리고 올수 없다면 우린

    이영표를 계속해서 데리고 있어야 된다구.

    As for the Left Mid position, we do have a problem for. I believe we shud give Taarbt a chance because i hear he has an excellent left foot, but if it does not work we shud approach either Gareth Barry of aston villa or Morten Gamst Pederesen of Blackburn Rovers.

    Plz comment on this article, for it is interesting 2 see wat ur responses r.

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    comment by foreverlilywhite
    posted 5 Hours Ago

    Thanks for all the positives guys and gals of course....Great to see the support for him....now let's hear it on the pitch....Good luck with the game today....shame about the injuries.....But good luck to Radek Cerny....bet it's been some time if ever that 2 Czech goalkeepers played in the same match ????

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    comment by respect_my_authority
    posted 2 Hours Ago

    What a joke. Lee Young-Pyo is a total lightweight, in the worst sense of the word. The only defender we've got who's worse is Benoit Assou-Ekotto. We are currently massively underachieving because (a) all of our strikers are to some degree profligate, with Defoe the worst and the Keane the least sinful AND (b) our defenders are a mixed bag, with King and Dawson excellent, although the former is turning out to be a sick-note a la Darren Anderton, and no-one else at the back is reliable at all.

    (걍 해석하기 싫어서 패스-)

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    comment by Dystopia
    posted 2 Hours Ago

    great call mate, eeven today against Chelsea I thought he was very good. He has improved no end and he deserves a pat on the back for his recent contribution.

    니말이 절대적으로 맞아, 오늘 첼시와의 경기에서 나는 그가 아주 훌륭햇다고 생각했거든.

    그는 아주 많은 발전을 했고 오늘 그의 기여도는 그의 어깨를 토닥혀줘야 할만큼 훌륭했어.

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    comment by pauljimmyn
    posted 2 Hours Ago

    I think Lee has improved imeasurably. It's fair enough for him to take a season to get used to the premiership. BAE may well turn out to be a superb left back, I know he is highly thought of. A bit of competition in that position would be superb.

    나는 그가 상상도 할수 없을 만큼의 발전을 했다고 생각해.

    EPL에 적응할려면 한 시즌정도의 시간이 필요하다는 말에 동감하고.

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    comment by shiftyid
    posted 2 Hours Ago

    just to let the totenhamresolver know we didnt lose at old trafford in 04/05 and lee was still playin for psv!

    토튼햄 팬들한테 그냥 알고있으라고 해두는 말인데 우리는 04/05때 OT에서 지지 않았고 그는 PSV의 선수였어.

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    comment by spurs4england3
    posted Yesterday

    i agree that his form has picked up, however i think he is a decent backup and nothing more. In the summer we realy need to buy a good left-back if we want to be serious about finishing top 6/5 in 07/08.

    그의 원래 모습이 돌아왔다는 말에는 동감해, 허나 그는 백업으로써는 괜찮지만 그 이상은 아니야.

    이번 여름에 시즌 6/5위를 할려고 생각했었더라면 아주 좋은 왼쪽 백을 데려왔어야했어.

    I'm sure he could be good but he too much of a lightweight and not defensive enough. He doesn;t go into that many hard tackles.
    We realy need a sterdy reliable left-back. In an ideal world that would be wayne bridge. but it looks like we're going to get bale in the summer unless he snubs it for 5 years on the manu bench.

    나도 분명 그가 좋은 선수가 될수 있을꺼라고 생각해, 하지만 그는 너무 가볍고 수비적이지 못해.

    그는 강한 태클들을 못하지. 우리는 견고한 왼쪽 백이 필요해. 웨인 브리지 정도가 좋겠지만 우리는 이번 여름에

    bale를 데리고 올려고 하겠지, 그가 맨유 벤치에서 5년 더 앉아있고 싶지만 않다면 말야.

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    comment by 4_Four_2
    posted Yesterday

    Congrats Foreverlilywhite,
    I too have defended this guy, and for the past few seasons I have been amazed the stick he has got.
    He was made to look sh!te last year cos Davids would not play where he was told to. Hence byebye Davids and we hold on to Lee.

    나도 그를 항상 대변해 왔어, 그리고 이번 2 시즌때 사람들이 그를 비난하는것을 보고 많이 놀랐지.

    그가 아주 못하는 것으로 보인건 다비즈가 제 자리에서 플레이 하지 않았기 때문이라고.

    그래서 우리는 다비즈와 바이바이를 하고 리를 데리고 있었지.

    It has been evident for ages that the only position that needs filling is our left midfield (possibly goalie too!) and the sooner the better. There is a real swagger about the side at the moment but as soon as we come up against a decent right winger we could get exposed again. I guarantee Chelski will use Robben as their main outlet Sunday, which means Lennon will start on the left again to keep their fullback pinned back.COYS

    우리가 오랫동안 확실히 알고있었던건 우리는 왼쪽 미드필더가 필요하다는거 (골리도!) 빠르면 빠를수록 좋겠지.

    이건 정말 고쳐야 할 문제야, 만약 우리가 아주 좋은 오른쪽 윙어와 맞닥드린다면 우리는 공격을 당할수밖에 없을꺼라고.

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    comment by Berbatov_for_20plus
    posted Yesterday

    Lee is much better than he was, and i accept the argument that this could be because of the LM doing a better job in front of him, but it is still a bit weird to have a right-footer as first choice LB. Also, we only have Gardner and Rocha as cover, so I think we do need a specialist LB over the summer (and left-footed LM, obviously). Don't need much more than that, though.

    리는 예전보다 훨씬 더 나아졌지, 그리고 이 이유는 그 앞에있는 LM이 더 잘해주고 있기 때문이라는 말에도

    동감하고, 하지만 지금도 오른쪽 발을 가진 왼쪽 백을 가지고 있는건 조금 이상하게 느껴진다고. 우리는 Gardner 와

    Rocha밖에 없다고, 우리는 이번 여름 왼쪽발을 사용하는 LB가 필요하다고.

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    comment by MightySpurs06-07
    posted Yesterday

    I maintain that Lee was our most underrated player last season. I quite like him - gets forward a lot and can defend superbly.

    나는 지금도 그가 작년 시즌 우리한테 가장 낮게 평가받고 있는 선수였다고 생각해. 나는 그를 꽤 좋아하지-

    공격적으로 잘 나가고 수비도 아주 훌륭하게 해주지.

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    comment by sleepingblanchflower
    posted Yesterday

    i think is a good player. he works hard and is reasonably dependable. but i think we re all missing the point here in that he is VERY RIGHT FOOTED. Its not him personally that is bad but his right footedness upsets the balance of the team. the number of times ive seen him get the ball and then have to turn back inside. i like lee - hed be good cover for both full back positions. but ultimately we need a good left footed left back. id go for heinze. but bridge bale and even roberto carlos linked today would all be good bets.

    나는 그가 좋은 선수라고 생각해. 그는 열심히 해주고 다른 선수들 필요없이 혼자서도 잘 해주지, 허나 우리는 지금

    그가 아주 오른쪽발에 의지하는 선수라는걸 잊고있는거 같에. 그가 잘 못한다는게 아니라 그의 오른쪽 발 사용은

    팀의 전체적인 발란스를 망치고 있어. 나는 그가 수없이 많이 공을 받고 다시 뒤돌아 안쪽으로 오는 모습을 봤었다고.

    나는 그를 좋아해 - 그는 양쪽 풀백 포지션을 백업해줄 좋은 선수야. 하지만 우리는 언젠가는 좋은 왼발을 가지고 있는

    선수가 필요하다고. 나는 헤인즈를 뽑겠어 허나 브릿지나 베일 아님 칼로스도 괜찮다고 생각해.

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    comment by Umbrago
    posted Yesterday

    We have a left footed LB in Ekotto, who will progress into a decent player. The fact is that we need a LM badly, someone who will play in the position for which he is bought and give support to whomever is playing at LB. Since Lennon has been playing on the left it has shown how well our defence can play when we have two people on that side and I have often pointed out on thes MBs not only does it effect the LB when there is no cover in front of him but it also pulls the CB out of position because he has to help the LB cover that side of the field thus causing us to lose our shape in defence. Both Lee and Ekotto are fairly good at doing their job when given the support.

    우리는 왼발을 가진 왼쪽 백이 있다고, 에코토, 언젠가 괜찮은 선수로 성장하겠지. 사실은 우리는 좋은 LM이 필요하다는

    거야, 자기가 맡은 포지션에서 뛰어줄수 있고 LB를 서포트 해줄수 있는. 레논이 왼쪽으로 뛰어주면서 우리는

    우리 수비가 사이드에 두 선수를 두면서 얼마나 더 잘해줄수 있는지 보았다고. 그리고 나는 예전부터 계속

    MB들이 얼마나 많은 영향을 LB핱테 끼치는지 말해줬다고, 특히 그를 커버해줄 사람이 아무도 없을때 말야.

    또한 CB도 그 포지션에 나와서 도와줘야하고, 이렇게 가면 수비들은 전체적인 모습을 잃어버리지.

    리와 에코토 둘다 좋은 서포트를 받으면 맡은 임무를 잘 소화해낼수 있을꺼야.

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    comment by 4_Four_2
    posted Yesterday

    I could'nt agree more. I too have championed this point on here and in the pub but still it is always the left back who gets the flack.
    I personally hold Davids responsible for our failure to qualify for the CL this year. If I had been Jol, I would have kicked several shades out of him last year. Not only did he make the left side our weakest link he constantly sqeezed accross the midfield making Jenas less effective than he could have been.
    We could have pi55ed the fourth spot last year and we gave it to those cretins accross the road to balls up this year. I think we would still be in the mix if we had made the fourth spot and done alot better than the dross at cashburden.

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    comment by samuraiblue
    posted Yesterday

    Heinze! Gives Spurs a left foot LB who goes forward, gives a few good kickings without getting cards, extensive EPL experience, passion, skill and good age.

    Has hardly played at United since Evra hit form. I hope United get Bale - it would give Heinze plenty of motivation to move to the capital and give United the guts to let him go.

    Happily see Spurs pay 7-8 million pounds for him. Lee a revelation in recent weeks after being protected by Lennon going forward as some people have pointed out but we need Lennon on the right. Ekotto to keep and play apprentice to Heinze and Lee to stay and be quality cover for left AND right back.

    리는 레논의 도움을 받은 후로 공격적으로 잘 나가지 허나 다른 사람들이 지적했다 싶이 우리는 레논을 오른쪽으로

    보내야 된다고. 그리고 리는 계속해서 훌륭히 왼쪽과 오른쪽 백으로 잘 뛰어줄꺼야.

    Bridge next choice at maybe 2-3 million.

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    comment by LethalWpn
    posted Yesterday

    Incredibly hes gotten better backup from Tainio and Lennon when theyve played their. MalB the original LM was appalling defending almost giving away a pen at ManC and then doing so the game after (or was it a freekick from which they scored).

    Its now fluke that hes gotten better with someone able to defend (Tainio) or has the speed to at least cover back (Lennon) being their to help him out.

    Ive always said hes a good squad player for that position and maybe good enough if we get a good enough leftwinger to help out defensively - not Downing.

    나는 항상 그가 그의 포지션을 잘 소화하는 괜찮은 스쿼드 선수라고 했어

    그리고 수비를 도와줄수 있는 왼쪽 윙어만 만난다면 완벽할꺼라고.

    Still, hes prone to the odd slip up but at least we have Ekotto coming though as well. Perhaps between the two of them, we dont need another leftback.

    그는 가끔가다 이상한 실수를 하지만 우리는 에코토가 성장하고 있으니까 괜찮아.

    아마 이 둘을 가진 우리는 더이상 왼쪽 백이 필요 없을지도 모르지.

    I think we should call him Bruce!!

    우리는 그를 브루스라고 불러야돼!

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    comment by aladycewedsjolhuray
    posted Yesterday

    nowhere near clichy

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    comment by Berbatov_for_20plus
    posted Yesterday

    The problem with BAE is that he hasn't shown the improvement that, say, Zokora and Berbs have over the season, and if we keep using Lee, BAE won't get any chance to improve. We need to buy backup for Lee, and it needs to be someone who won't need regular games to get up to speed with the Prem, ideally an established Prem LB.

    BAE의 문제는 그는 아직까지도 발전한 모습을 보여주지 못했지, 조코라와 Berbs와는 다르게 말야 그리고 우리가

    계속해서 리를 사용한다면 BAE는 발전할수 있는 찬스를 갖지 못하지. 우리는 리를 백업할수 있는 선수가

    필요해, 게임에 나와 뛰지 않아도 프리미어에서 뛸수있을만한 스피드를 가진 선수말야.

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2007/03/12 09:01:02  125.130.***.91  
    [2] 2007/03/12 11:12:22  219.253.***.244  不倫
    [3] 2007/03/13 04:30:46  218.48.***.71  
    푸르딩딩:추천수 3이상 댓글은 배경색이 바뀝니다.
    (단,비공감수가 추천수의 1/3 초과시 해당없음)

    죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.

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