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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 11-08-28
    방문 : 2275회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : mid_21505
    작성자 : 옛날얘기
    추천 : 0
    조회수 : 800
    IP : 203.63.***.11
    댓글 : 0개
    등록시간 : 2019/01/06 17:38:24
    http://todayhumor.com/?mid_21505 모바일
    개인 백업용
    <div>He's attacked one of my brothers and abducted the other.</div> <div>Tell your wife to return that little shit of an Imp to King's Landing.</div> <div>What about Jaime Lannister?</div> <div>I'm half a kingdom in debt to his bloody father.</div> <div>We'll talk when I return from the hunt. The hunt?</div> <div>You'll have to sit on the throne while I'm away.</div> <div>You are accused of hiring a man to slay my son Bran in his bed.</div> <div>I demand a trial by combat.</div> <div>- You have that right. - Do I have a volunteer?</div> <div>I'll stand for the dwarf.</div> <div>Grand Maester Pycelle. Send a raven to Casterly Rock.</div> <div>Inform Tywin Lannister that he has been summoned to court</div> <div>to answer for the crimes of Gregor Clegane</div> <div>or be branded an enemy of the Crown and a traitor to the realm.</div> <div>Fight!</div> <div>I'm sending you both back to Winterfell.</div> <div>What? I'm supposed to marry Prince Joffrey.</div> <div>He'll be the greatest king that ever was, a golden lion.</div> <div>And I'll give him sons with beautiful blond hair.</div> <div>"Lord Orys Baratheon, black of hair."</div> <div>"Axel Baratheon, black of hair."</div> <div>"Robert Baratheon, black of hair."</div> <div>"Joffrey Baratheon, golden-haired."</div> <div>I want what I came for. I want the crown he promised me.</div> <div>- No, Dany, please! - A crown for a king.</div> <div>Fire cannot kill a dragon.</div> <div> -==팎읔襟있蹈허헙룽窘==- 굶俚캥쏭묩欺構슥직,拮쐐痰黨撚痰槁</div> <div>-==<a target="_blank" href="">http://www.ragbear.com==-</a> 홈제踏狗 뒤寧센뒤07섞</div> <div>-=팎읔襟俚캥莉=- 珂쇌菉:枷랗묵</div> <div>"Summoned to court to answer for the crimes of your bannerman Gregor Clegane,</div> <div>the Mountain"...</div> <div>Uh, "arrive within the fortnight</div> <div>or be branded an enemy of the Crown."</div> <div>Poor Ned Stark...</div> <div>Brave man, terrible judgment.</div> <div>Attacking him was stupid.</div> <div>Lannisters</div> <div>don't act like fools.</div> <div>Are you gonna say something clever?</div> <div>Go on, say something clever.</div> <div>Catelyn Stark took my brother.</div> <div>Why is he still alive?</div> <div>- Tyrion? - Ned Stark.</div> <div>One of our men interfered,</div> <div>speared him through the leg before I could finish him.</div> <div>Why is he still alive?</div> <div>- It wouldn't have been clean. - Clean.</div> <div>You spend too much time worrying about what other people think of you.</div> <div>I could care less what anyone thinks of me.</div> <div>That's what you want people to think of you.</div> <div>It's the truth.</div> <div>When you hear them whispering "Kingslayer" behind your back--</div> <div>doesn't it bother you?</div> <div>Of course it bothers me.</div> <div>The lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of the sheep.</div> <div>I suppose I should be grateful that your vanity</div> <div>got in the way of your recklessness.</div> <div>I'm giving you half of our forces--</div> <div>30,000 men.</div> <div>You will bring them to Catelyn Stark's girlhood home</div> <div>and remind her that Lannisters pay their debts.</div> <div>I didn't realize you placed such a high value on my brother's life.</div> <div>He's a Lannister.</div> <div>He might be the lowest of the Lannisters, but he's one of us.</div> <div>And every day that he remains a prisoner,</div> <div>the less our name commands respect.</div> <div>So the lion does concern himself with the opinions of--</div> <div>No, it's not an opinion. It's a fact.</div> <div>If another House can seize one of our own</div> <div>and hold him captive with impunity,</div> <div>we are no longer a House to be feared.</div> <div>Your mother's dead.</div> <div>Before long I'll be dead.</div> <div>And you</div> <div>and your brother and your sister</div> <div>and all of her children. All of us dead;</div> <div>all of us rotting in the ground.</div> <div>It's the family name that lives on.</div> <div>It's all that lives on.</div> <div>Not your personal glory, not your honor,</div> <div>but family.</div> <div>Do you understand?</div> <div>You're blessed with abilities that few men possess.</div> <div>You are blessed to belong to the most powerful family in the kingdoms.</div> <div>And you are still blessed with youth.</div> <div>And what have you done with these blessings, huh?</div> <div>You've served as a glorified bodyguard for two kings--</div> <div>one a madman, the other a drunk.</div> <div>The future of our family will be determined in these next few months.</div> <div>We could establish a dynasty that will last a thousand years.</div> <div>Or we could collapse into nothing, as the Targaryens did.</div> <div>I need you to become the man you were always meant to be.</div> <div>Not next year. Not tomorrow.</div> <div>Now.</div> <div>You're in pain.</div> <div>I've had worse, My Lady.</div> <div>Perhaps it's time to go home.</div> <div>The South doesn't seem to agree with you.</div> <div>I know the truth Jon Arryn died for.</div> <div>Do you, Lord Stark?</div> <div>Is that why you called me here, to pose me riddles?</div> <div>Has he done this before?</div> <div>Jaime would have killed him.</div> <div>My brother is worth a thousand of your friend.</div> <div>Your brother... Or your lover?</div> <div>The Targaryens wed brothers and sisters for 300 years</div> <div>to keep bloodlines pure.</div> <div>Jaime and I are more than brother and sister.</div> <div>We shared a womb.</div> <div>We came into this world together. We belong together.</div> <div>My son saw you with him.</div> <div>Do you love your children?</div> <div>- With all my heart. - No more than I love mine.</div> <div>- And they are all Jaime's. - Thank the Gods.</div> <div>In the rare event that Robert leaves his whores</div> <div>for long enough to stumble drunk into my bed, I finish him off in other ways.</div> <div>- In the morning, he doesn't remember. - You've always hated him.</div> <div>Hated him? I worshipped him.</div> <div>Every girl in the Seven Kingdoms dreamed of him,</div> <div>but he was mine by oath.</div> <div>And when I finally saw him on our wedding day in the Sept of Baelor,</div> <div>lean and fierce and black-bearded,</div> <div>it was the happiest moment of my life.</div> <div>Then that night he crawled on top of me, stinking of wine</div> <div>and did what he did-- what little he could do--</div> <div>and whispered in my ear, "Lyanna."</div> <div>Your sister was a corpse and I was a living girl</div> <div>and he loved her more than me.</div> <div>When the King returns from his hunt, I'll tell him the truth.</div> <div>You must be gone by then-- you and your children.</div> <div>I will not have their blood on my hands.</div> <div>Go as far away as you can,</div> <div>with as many men as you can.</div> <div>Because wherever you go,</div> <div>Robert's wrath will follow you.</div> <div>And what of my wrath, Lord Stark?</div> <div>You should have taken the realm for yourself.</div> <div>Jaime told me about the day King's Landing fell.</div> <div>He was sitting in the Iron Throne and you made him give it up.</div> <div>All you needed to do was climb the steps yourself.</div> <div>Such a sad mistake.</div> <div>I've made many mistakes in my life,</div> <div>but that wasn't one of them.</div> <div>Oh, but it was.</div> <div>When you play the Game of Thrones, you win</div> <div>or you die.</div> <div>There is no middle ground.</div> <div>- Come here.</div> <div>Oh yes, oh.</div> <div>Oh yes yes yes.</div> <div>No no no no!</div> <div>Is that what they teach you up in the North?</div> <div>And you-- wherever you're from,</div> <div>do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?</div> <div>Either of you understand a thing that I'm saying?</div> <div>Yes, My Lord.</div> <div>Let's start over, shall we?</div> <div>You be the man and you be the woman.</div> <div>Well, go ahead.</div> <div>Slowly.</div> <div>You're not fooling them. They just paid you.</div> <div>They know what you are.</div> <div>They know it's all just an act.</div> <div>Your job is to make them forget what they know.</div> <div>That takes time.</div> <div>You need to...</div> <div>Ease into it.</div> <div>Go ahead.</div> <div>Ease into it.</div> <div>He's winning you over in spite of yourself.</div> <div>You're starting to like this.</div> <div>He wants to believe you.</div> <div>He's enjoyed his cock since he was old enough to play with it.</div> <div>Why shouldn't you? He knows he's better than other men.</div> <div>He's always known it deep down inside. Now he has proof.</div> <div>He's so good,</div> <div>he's reaching something deep inside of you that</div> <div>no one even knew was there,</div> <div>overcoming your very nature.</div> <div>Why don't you join us, My Lord?</div> <div>I'm saving myself for another.</div> <div>What she doesn't know won't hurt her.</div> <div>A stupid saying.</div> <div>What we don't know is usually what gets us killed.</div> <div>She must be very beautiful.</div> <div>No, not really. Impeccable bloodlines though.</div> <div>I do believe My Lord's in love.</div> <div>For many years. Most of my life really.</div> <div>Play with her ass.</div> <div>And she loved me too.</div> <div>I was her little confidant,</div> <div>her plaything.</div> <div>She could tell me anything, anything at all.</div> <div>She told me about all the horses that she liked,</div> <div>the castle she wanted to live in and the man that she wanted to marry.</div> <div>A northerner with a jaw like an anvil.</div> <div>So I challenged him to a duel.</div> <div>I mean, why not? I'd read all the stories.</div> <div>The little hero always beats the big villain in all the stories.</div> <div>In the end, she wouldn't even let him kill me.</div> <div>"He's just a boy," she said.</div> <div>"Please don't hurt him."</div> <div>So he gave me a nice little scar to remember him by</div> <div>- and off they went. - Is she still married to him?</div> <div>Oh no.</div> <div>He got himself killed before the wedding...</div> <div>..And she ended up with his brother, an even more impressive specimen.</div> <div>She loves him, I'm afraid.</div> <div>And why wouldn't she? I mean, who could compare to him?</div> <div>- He's just so...</div> <div>Good.</div> <div>Do you know what I learned, losing that duel?</div> <div>I learned that I'll never win,</div> <div>not that way. That's their game,</div> <div>their rules.</div> <div>I'm not going to fight them.</div> <div>I'm going to fuck them. That's what I know.</div> <div>That's what I am.</div> <div>And only by admitting what we are can we get what we want.</div> <div>And what do you want?</div> <div>Oh, everything, my dear.</div> <div>Everything there is.</div> <div>Now wash yourselves. Both of you are working tonight.</div> <div>You're a very lucky girl. Do you know that?</div> <div>Where I come from, we don't show mercy to criminals.</div> <div>Where I come from, if someone like you attacked a little lord?</div> <div>At low tide we'd lay you on your back on the beach,</div> <div>your hands and feet chained to four stakes.</div> <div>The sea would come in closer and closer.</div> <div>You'd see death creeping toward you a few inches at a time.</div> <div>Where is it you come from?</div> <div>The Iron Islands. They far away?</div> <div>You've never heard of the Iron Islands?</div> <div>Trust me, you've never heard where I'm from neither.</div> <div>"Trust me, My Lord."</div> <div>You're not living in the wilderness anymore.</div> <div>In civilized lands, you refer to your betters</div> <div>by their proper titles.</div> <div>- And what's that? - Lord.</div> <div>Why?</div> <div>Why?</div> <div>What do you mean why?</div> <div>My father is Balon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands.</div> <div>What's that got to do with you?</div> <div>If your father's lord, how can you be lord too?</div> <div>I will be lord after my father--</div> <div>so you're not lord now?</div> <div>No, you--</div> <div>You having a go at me? Is that it?</div> <div>I just don't understand how you Southerners do things.</div> <div>- I'm not a Southerner. - You're from South of the wall.</div> <div>That makes you a Southerner to me.</div> <div>You're an impudent little wench, aren't you?</div> <div>Couldn't say, My Lord.</div> <div>Don't know what "impunent" means.</div> <div>Impudent. It means rude,</div> <div>disrespectful.</div> <div>Do you want to lose that chain?</div> <div>Theon Greyjoy!</div> <div>The lady is our guest.</div> <div>I thought she was our prisoner.</div> <div>Are the two mutually exclusive in your experience?</div> <div>Chances are I won't be nearby the next time that happens.</div> <div>I'm used to worse than him.</div> <div>I'm used to men who could chew that boy up</div> <div>and pick their teeth with his bones.</div> <div>Why did you come here?</div> <div>Didn't mean to come here.</div> <div>Meant to get much further South than this.</div> <div>As far South as South goes,</div> <div>before the long night comes.</div> <div>Why? What are you afraid of?</div> <div>There's things that sleep in the day</div> <div>- and hunt at night. - Owls and Shadowcats and--</div> <div>I'm not talking about Owls and Shadowcats.</div> <div>The "things" you speak of--</div> <div>they've been gone for thousands of years.</div> <div>They wasn't gone, old man.</div> <div>They was sleeping.</div> <div>And they ain't sleeping no more.</div> <div>I miss girls.</div> <div>Not even talking to them. I never talked to them.</div> <div>Just looking at them, hearing them giggle.</div> <div>Don't you miss girls?</div> <div>Riders.</div> <div>The horn. We have to blow the horn.</div> <div>Why is he alone?</div> <div>One blast for a Ranger returning, two for Wildlings,</div> <div>- three for-- - there's no rider.</div> <div>That's my Uncle Benjen's horse.</div> <div>Where's my Uncle?</div> <div>Ned!</div> <div>It's Robert. We were hunting--</div> <div>a boar--</div> <div>I should have spent more time with you,</div> <div>shown you how to be a man.</div> <div>I was never meant to be a father.</div> <div>Go on.</div> <div>You don't want to see this.</div> <div>My fault.</div> <div>Too much wine, missed my thrust.</div> <div>It stinks.</div> <div>It stinks like death.</div> <div>Don't think I can't smell it.</div> <div>I paid the bastard back, Ned.</div> <div>I drove my knife right through his brain.</div> <div>You ask them if I didn't. Ask them!</div> <div>I want the funeral feast to be the biggest the Kingdoms ever saw.</div> <div>And I want everyone to taste the boar that got me.</div> <div>Now leave us, the lot of you. I need to talk to Ned.</div> <div>- Robert, my sweet-- - Out, all of you!</div> <div>You damned fool.</div> <div>Paper and ink on the table, write down what I say.</div> <div>"In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon,</div> <div>first of--" you know how it goes.</div> <div>Fill in the damn titles.</div> <div>"I hereby command</div> <div>Eddard of House Stark--"</div> <div>titles, titles--</div> <div>"to serve as Lord Regent and Protector of the Realm</div> <div>upon my death,</div> <div>to rule in my stead</div> <div>until my son Joffrey comes of age."</div> <div>Give it over.</div> <div>Give it to the council</div> <div>after I'm dead.</div> <div>At least they'll say I did this right, this one thing.</div> <div>You'll rule now.</div> <div>You'll hate it worse than I did,</div> <div>but you'll do it well.</div> <div>The girl--</div> <div>Daenerys.</div> <div>You were right. Varys, Littlefinger,</div> <div>my brother... Worthless.</div> <div>No one to tell me "no" but you.</div> <div>Only you.</div> <div>Let her live.</div> <div>Stop it, if it's not too late.</div> <div>I will.</div> <div>And my son...</div> <div>Help him, Ned.</div> <div>Make him better than me.</div> <div>I'll...</div> <div>I'll do everything I can to honor your memory.</div> <div>My memory.</div> <div>King Robert Baratheon,</div> <div>murdered by a pig.</div> <div>Give me something for the pain and let me die.</div> <div>Give him milk of the poppy.</div> <div>He was reeling from the wine.</div> <div>He commanded us</div> <div>to step aside, but...</div> <div>I failed him.</div> <div>No man could have protected him from himself.</div> <div>I wonder, Ser Barristan, who gave the king this wine?</div> <div>His squire, from the king's own skin.</div> <div>His squire? The Lannister boy?</div> <div>Such a dutiful boy to make sure his Grace</div> <div>did not lack refreshment.</div> <div>I do hope the poor lad does not blame himself.</div> <div>His Grace has had a change of heart concerning Daenerys Targaryen.</div> <div>Whatever arrangements you made,</div> <div>unmake them. At once.</div> <div>I'm afraid</div> <div>those birds have flown.</div> <div>The girl is likely dead already.</div> <div>The stallion who mounts the world has no need for iron chairs.</div> <div>according to the prophecy</div> <div>the stallion will ride to the ends of the earth</div> <div>The earth ends at the black salt sea</div> <div>No horse can cross the poison water</div> <div>the earth does not end at the sea</div> <div>there are many dirts beyond the sea</div> <div>the dirt where i was born</div> <div>no dirts.lands</div> <div>lands,yes</div> <div>There are thousands of ships in the free cities</div> <div>wooden horses that fly across the sea</div> <div>let's speak no more of wooden horses and iron chairs</div> <div>it's not a chair.it's a</div> <div>...Throne.</div> <div>Throne.</div> <div>a chair fora king to sit upon</div> <div>or a queen</div> <div>a king does not need a chair to sit upon</div> <div>he only needs a horse</div> <div>Can't you help me make him understand?</div> <div>The Dothraki do things in their own time, for their own reasons.</div> <div>Have patience, Khaleesi. We will go home, I promise you.</div> <div>My brother was a fool, I know,</div> <div>but he was the rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms.</div> <div>Have I said something funny, Ser?</div> <div>Forgive me, Khaleesi, but your ancestor Aegon the Conqueror</div> <div>didn't seize six of the kingdoms because they were his right.</div> <div>He had no right to them. He seized them because he could. And because he had dragons.</div> <div>Ah well, having a few dragons makes things easier.</div> <div>- You don't believe it. - Have you ever seen a dragon, Khaleesi?</div> <div>I believe what my eyes and ears report.</div> <div>As for the rest... It was 300 years ago.</div> <div>Who knows what really happened?</div> <div>Now if you'll pardon me, I'll seek out the merchant Captain,</div> <div>see if he has any letters for me.</div> <div>- I'll come with you. - No no, don't trouble yourself.</div> <div>Enjoy the market. I'll rejoin you soon enough.</div> <div>Psst, Jorah the Andal.</div> <div>The spider sends his greetings</div> <div>and his congratulations.</div> <div>A royal pardon-- you can go home now.</div> <div>Virzetha gizikhven! Mra qora! Mra qora!</div> <div>sweet reds</div> <div>i have sweet reds from lys,volantis and the arbor</div> <div>tyroshi pear brandy!andalish sours</div> <div>i have them,i have them</div> <div>a taste for the khaleesi</div> <div>i have a sweet red from dorne,my lady.</div> <div>one taste and you'll name your first child after me</div> <div>My son already has his name, but I'll try your summerwine.</div> <div>Just a taste.</div> <div>My Lady, you are from Westeros.</div> <div>You have the honor of addressing Daenerys of the House Targaryen,</div> <div>Khaleesi of the riding men and princess of the Seven Kingdoms.</div> <div>- Princess. - Rise.</div> <div>I'd still like to taste that wine.</div> <div>That? Dornish swill.</div> <div>Not worthy of a princess.</div> <div>I have a dry red from the Arbor--</div> <div>nectar of the Gods.</div> <div>Let me give you a cask. Uh-- a gift.</div> <div>You honor me, Ser.</div> <div>The honor-- the honor is all mine.</div> <div>There are many in your homeland that pray for your return, princess.</div> <div>I hope to repay your kindness someday.</div> <div>- Rakharo. - Huh.</div> <div>put down that cask.</div> <div>- Is something wrong? - I have a thirst.</div> <div>Open it.</div> <div>The wine is for the Khaleesi. It's not for the likes of you.</div> <div>Open it.</div> <div>Pour.</div> <div>It would be a crime to drink a wine this rich</div> <div>without at least giving it time to breathe.</div> <div>Do as he says.</div> <div>As the princess commands.</div> <div>Sweet, isn't it?</div> <div>Can you smell the fruit, Ser?</div> <div>Taste it, My Lord.</div> <div>Tell me that that is not the finest wine that has ever touched your tongue.</div> <div>You first.</div> <div>Me?</div> <div>I'm afraid I am not worthy of the vintage.</div> <div>Besides, it is a poor wine merchant who would drink up his own wares.</div> <div>You will drink.</div> <div>- Khaleesi! - Stop him!</div> <div>Come.</div> <div>You came to us as outlaws,</div> <div>poachers, rapers,</div> <div>killers, thieves.</div> <div>You came alone, in chains,</div> <div>without friends</div> <div>nor honor.</div> <div>You came to us rich and you came to us poor.</div> <div>Some of you bear the names of proud houses,</div> <div>others only bastard names or no names at all.</div> <div>It does not matter.</div> <div>All that is in the past.</div> <div>Here,</div> <div>on the wall,</div> <div>are all one house.</div> <div>- Tonight... - You're allowed to look happy.</div> <div>You're going to be a Ranger.</div> <div>Isn't that what you always wanted? I want to find my Uncle.</div> <div>I know he's alive out there.</div> <div>I know he is.</div> <div>I wish I could help you, but I'm no Ranger.</div> <div>It's the steward's life for me.</div> <div>There's honor in being a steward.</div> <div>Not much, really. But there's food.</div> <div>Here you begin anew.</div> <div>A man of The Night's Watch...</div> <div>Lives his life for the realm.</div> <div>Not for a king,</div> <div>or a lord, or the honor of this house</div> <div>or that house;</div> <div>not for gold nor glory</div> <div>nor a woman's love;</div> <div>but for the realm</div> <div>and all the people in it.</div> <div>You've all learned the words of the vow.</div> <div>Think carefully before you say them.</div> <div>The penalty for desertion</div> <div>is death.</div> <div>You can take your vows here</div> <div>tonight at sunset.</div> <div>Do any of you still keep the old Gods?</div> <div>I do, My Lord.</div> <div>You'll want to take your vow before a heart tree as your Uncle did.</div> <div>Yes, My Lord.</div> <div>You'll find a Weirwood a mile North of the Wall.</div> <div>And your old Gods too, maybe.</div> <div>My Lord, might I go as well?</div> <div>Does house Tarly keep the old Gods?</div> <div>No, My Lord.</div> <div>I was named in the light of the Seven, as my father was and his father before him.</div> <div>Why would you forsake the Gods of your father and your house?</div> <div>The Night's Watch is my house now.</div> <div>The Seven have never answered my prayers.</div> <div>Perhaps the old Gods will.</div> <div>As you wish, lad.</div> <div>You've all been assigned an order,</div> <div>according to our needs</div> <div>and your strengths.</div> <div>Halder to the builders.</div> <div>Pyp to the stewards.</div> <div>Toad to the builders. Grenn to the Rangers.</div> <div>Samwell to the stewards.</div> <div>Matthar to the Rangers. Dareon to the stewards.</div> <div>Balian to the Rangers.</div> <div>Rast to the Rangers.</div> <div>Jon to the stewards.</div> <div>Rancer to the builders.</div> <div>Echiel to the builders.</div> <div>Gordo to the stewards.</div> <div>Niko to the Rangers. Escan to the Rangers.</div> <div>Vorkoy to the builders. Joby to the stables.</div> <div>Mink to the kitchens. Allo to the builders.</div> <div>Nelugo to the Rangers.</div> <div>May all the Gods preserve you.</div> <div>Rangers with me.</div> <div>Builders!</div> <div>Samwell, you will assist me in the rookery and library.</div> <div>Pyp, you will report to Bowen Marsh in the kitchens.</div> <div>Luke, report to one-eyed Joe in the stables.</div> <div>Dareon, we are sending you to Eastwatch.</div> <div>Present yourself to Borcas when you arrive.</div> <div>Make no comment about his nose.</div> <div>Jon Snow, Lord Commander Mormont</div> <div>has requested you for his personal steward.</div> <div>Will I serve the Lord Commander's meals</div> <div>and fetch hot water for his bath.</div> <div>Certainly.</div> <div>And keep a fire burning in his chambers,</div> <div>change his sheets and blankets daily</div> <div>and do everything else the Lord Commander requires of you.</div> <div>Do you take me for a servant?</div> <div>We took you for a man of The Night's Watch.</div> <div>But perhaps we were wrong in that.</div> <div>- May I go? - As you wish.</div> <div>Jon, wait!</div> <div>Don't you see what they're doing?</div> <div>I see Ser Alliser's revenge, that's all.</div> <div>He wanted it and he got it. Stewards are nothing but maids!</div> <div>I'm a better swordsman and rider than any of you!</div> <div>- It's not fair. - Fair?</div> <div>I was singing for a high lord at Acorn Hall</div> <div>when he put his hand on my leg and he wanted to see my cock.</div> <div>I pushed him away and he said he'd have my hands cut off for stealing their silver.</div> <div>So now I'm here-- at the end of the world</div> <div>with no one to sing for but old men and little shits like you.</div> <div>I'll never see my family again. I'll never be inside a woman again.</div> <div>So don't tell me about fair.</div> <div>I thought you were caught stealing a wheel of cheese for your starving sister?</div> <div>You think I was gonna tell a bunch of strangers that a high lord tried to grab my cock?</div> <div>Could you sing me a song, Pyp? I'd like to hear a song.</div> <div>Now listen to me.</div> <div>The old man is the Lord Commander of The Night's Watch.</div> <div>You'll be with him day and night.</div> <div>Yes, you'll clean his clothes.</div> <div>But you'll also take his letters, attend him at meetings,</div> <div>squire for him in battle.</div> <div>You'll know everything, be part of everything.</div> <div>And he asked for you himself.</div> <div>He wants to groom you for command.</div> <div>I just...</div> <div>I always wanted to be a Ranger.</div> <div>I always wanted to be a Wizard.</div> <div>What?</div> <div>No, I'm serious.</div> <div>So you'll stay and say your words with me?</div> <div>Lord Stark, a moment.</div> <div>Alone if you will.</div> <div>He named you Protector of the Realm.</div> <div>He did.</div> <div>She won't care.</div> <div>Give me an hour and I can put a hundred swords at your command.</div> <div>And what should I do with a hundred swords?</div> <div>Strike! Tonight while the castle sleeps.</div> <div>We must get Joffrey away fro his mother and into our custody.</div> <div>Protector of the Realm or no, he who holds the King holds the Kingdom.</div> <div>Every moment you delay gives Cersei another moment to prepare.</div> <div>By the time Robert dies, it will be too late for the both of us.</div> <div>What about Stannis?</div> <div>Saving the Seven Kingdoms from Cersei and delivering them to Stannis?</div> <div>You have odd notions about protecting the realm.</div> <div>Stannis is your older brother.</div> <div>This isn't about the bloody line of succession.</div> <div>That didn't matter when you rebelled against the Mad King.</div> <div>It shouldn't matter now.</div> <div>What's best for the Kingdoms?</div> <div>What's best for the people we rule?</div> <div>We all know what Stannis is.</div> <div>He inspires no love or loyalty.</div> <div>He's not a King.</div> <div>I am.</div> <div>Stannis is a commander.</div> <div>He's led men into war twice.</div> <div>He destroyed the Greyjoy fleet--</div> <div>Yes, he's a good soldier. Everyone knows that. So was Robert.</div> <div>Tell me something:</div> <div>Do you still believe good soldiers make good kings?</div> <div>I will not dishonor Robert's last hours by shedding blood in his halls</div> <div>and dragging frightened children from their beds.</div> <div>You will sail to dragonstone tonight.</div> <div>You will place this in the hand of Stannis Baratheon.</div> <div>Not his steward,</div> <div>not his Captain of the guard,</div> <div>and not his wife.</div> <div>Only Stannis himself.</div> <div>- Yes, My Lord.</div> <div>Now leave us.</div> <div>My Lord protector.</div> <div>The King has no trueborn sons.</div> <div>Joffrey and Tommen</div> <div>are Jaime Lannister's bastards.</div> <div>- So when the King dies-- - The throne passes</div> <div>to his brother Lord Stannis.</div> <div>So it would seem.</div> <div>- Unless-- - there is no "unless."</div> <div>He is the rightful heir. Nothing can change that.</div> <div>And he cannot take the throne without your help.</div> <div>You would be wise to deny it to him and to make sure Joffrey succeeds.</div> <div>Do you have a shred of honor?</div> <div>You are now Hand of the King and Protector of the Realm.</div> <div>All of the power is yours. You need only</div> <div>reach out and take it.</div> <div>Make peace with the Lannisters.</div> <div>Release the Imp. Wed your daughter to Joffrey.</div> <div>We have plenty of time to get rid of Stannis.</div> <div>And if Joffrey seems likely to cause problems when he comes into his throne,</div> <div>we simply reveal his little secret and seat Lord Renly there instead.</div> <div>We? You'll need someone to share these burdens.</div> <div>I assure you-- my price would be modest.</div> <div>What you suggest is treason. Only if we lose.</div> <div>Make peace with the Lannisters, you say...</div> <div>With the people who tried to murder my boy.</div> <div>We only make peace with our enemies, My Lord.</div> <div>That's why it's called "making peace."</div> <div>No. I won't do it.</div> <div>So it will be Stannis and war?</div> <div>There is no other choice.</div> <div>He is the heir.</div> <div>So why did you call me here? Not for my wisdom, clearly.</div> <div>You promised Catelyn you would help me.</div> <div>The Queen has a dozen knights and a hundred men-at-arms--</div> <div>enough to overwhelm what remains of my household guard.</div> <div>I need the gold cloaks.</div> <div>The City Watch is 2,000 strong</div> <div>and sworn to defend the King's peace.</div> <div>Look at you.</div> <div>You know what you want me to do, you know it has to be done,</div> <div>but it's not honorable so the words stick in your throat.</div> <div>When the Queen proclaims one King</div> <div>and the Hand proclaims another,</div> <div>whose peace do the Gold Cloaks protect?</div> <div>Who do they follow?</div> <div>- The man who pays them.</div> <div>Hear my words and bear witness to my vow.</div> <div>Night gathers and now my watch begins.</div> <div>It shall not end until my death.</div> <div>I shall take no wife,</div> <div>hold no lands, father no children.</div> <div>I shall wear no crowns and win no glory.</div> <div>I shall live and die at my post.</div> <div>I am the sword in the darkness.</div> <div>I am the watcher on the walls.</div> <div>I am the shield that guards the realms of men.</div> <div>I pledge my li and honor to The Night's Watch,</div> <div>for this night and all the nights to come.</div> <div>You knelt as boys.</div> <div>Rise now as men of The Night's Watch.</div> <div>Well done. Well done.</div> <div>What's he got there?</div> <div>To me, ghost. Bring it here.</div> <div>Gods be good!</div> <div>What will they do to him?</div> <div>When the Khalasar rides, he'll be leashed to a saddle,</div> <div>forced to run behind the horses for as long as he can.</div> <div>And when he falls?</div> <div>I saw a man last nine miles once.</div> <div>King Robert still wants me dead.</div> <div>This poisoner was the first. He won't be the last.</div> <div>I thought he'd leave me alone--</div> <div>now that my brother is gone. He will never leave you alone.</div> <div>If you ride to darkest Asshai, his assassins will follow you.</div> <div>If you sailed all the way to the Basilisk Isles, his spies would tell him.</div> <div>He will never abandon the hunt.</div> <div>You're a Targaryen-- the last Targaryen.</div> <div>Your son will have Targaryen blood</div> <div>with 40,000 riders behind him.</div> <div>He will not have my son.</div> <div>He will not have you either, Khaleesi.</div> <div>moon of my life</div> <div>are you hurt</div> <div>Jorah the andal</div> <div>i heard what you did</div> <div>choose any horse you wish, it is yours.</div> <div>I make this gift to you</div> <div>And to my son, the stallion who will mount the world</div> <div>I will also pledge a gift</div> <div>I will give him the iron chair</div> <div>That his mother's father sat upon</div> <div>I will give him Seen kingdoms</div> <div>I ,Drogo , will do this</div> <div>I will take my Khalasar west to where the world ends</div> <div>and ride wooden horses across the black salt water</div> <div>as no Khal has done before</div> <div>I will kill the men in iron suits</div> <div>and tear down their stone houses</div> <div>I will rape their women</div> <div>take their children as salves</div> <div>and bring their broken gods back to Vaes Dothrak</div> <div>This I vow</div> <div>I ,Drogo ,son of Bharbo</div> <div>I swear before the mother of mountains</div> <div>as the stars look down in witness</div> <div>as the stars look down in witness</div> <div>Lord Stark!</div> <div>- Stop! - Ned: No, all right.</div> <div>It's all right. Let him through.</div> <div>Lord Stark, King Joffrey and the Queen Regent request your presence in the Throne Room.</div> <div>King Joffrey? King Robert is gone.</div> <div>The Gods give him rest.</div> <div>All is accomplished. The City Watch is yours.</div> <div>Good.</div> <div>Is Lord Renly joining us?</div> <div>I fear Lord Renly has left the city.</div> <div>He rode through the old gate an hour before dawn</div> <div>with Ser Loras Tyrell and some 50 retainers.</div> <div>Last seen galloping South in some haste.</div> <div>We stand behind you, Lord Stark.</div> <div>Steward: All hail his Grace,</div> <div>Joffrey of Houses Baratheon and Lannister,</div> <div>the first of his name, King of the Andals and the First Men,</div> <div>Lord of the Seven Kingdoms</div> <div>and Protector of the Realm.</div> <div>I command the council to make all necessary arrangements for my coronation.</div> <div>I wish to be crowned within the fortnight.</div> <div>Today I shall accept oaths of fealty</div> <div>from my loyal councilors.</div> <div>Ser Barristan,</div> <div>I believe no man here could ever question your honor.</div> <div>King Robert's seal-- unbroken.</div> <div>"Lord Eddard Stark is herein named</div> <div>Protector of the Realm,</div> <div>to rule as Regent</div> <div>until the heir come of age."</div> <div>May I see that letter, Ser Barristan?</div> <div>Protector of the realm.</div> <div>Is this meant to be your shield, Lord Stark?</div> <div>A piece of paper?</div> <div>- Those were the King's words. - We have a new King now.</div> <div>Lord Eddard, when we last spoke you offered me some counsel.</div> <div>Allow me to return the courtesy.</div> <div>Bend the knee, My Lord.</div> <div>Bend the knee and swear loyalty to my son--</div> <div>and we shall allow you to live out your days</div> <div>in the gray waste you call home.</div> <div>Your son has no claim to the throne.</div> <div>Liar!</div> <div>You condemn yourself with your own mouth, Lord Stark.</div> <div>Ser Barristan, seize this traitor.</div> <div>Ser Barristan is a good man, a loyal man. Do him no harm.</div> <div>You think he stands alone?</div> <div>Kill him! Kill all of them, I command it!</div> <div>Commander,</div> <div>take the Queen and her children into custody.</div> <div>Escort them back to the royal apartments and keep them there, under guard.</div> <div>Men of the Watch!</div> <div>I want no bloodshed.</div> <div>Tell your men to lay down their swords.</div> <div>No one needs to die.</div> <div>Now!</div> <div>I did warn you not to trust me.</div>

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