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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 11-01-08
    방문 : 1100회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : computer_248701
    작성자 : 평정컴퓨터
    추천 : 0
    조회수 : 308
    IP : 125.138.***.93
    댓글 : 3개
    등록시간 : 2015/06/30 20:11:45
    http://todayhumor.com/?computer_248701 모바일
    [영문] 윈10 10158빌드 정보
    • 펌글

    What's new in the Windows 10 Insider Preview build 10158?

    Start by ChangeWindows.org

    • More apps now use the accent color as their tile color
    • The full screen start menu now shows the power and all apps button at the bottom
    • The hamburger button no longer shows a notification icon when new apps are installed, this is now shown at the all apps button
    • New animations for tiles, including the added-then-removed-now-added-again 3D-animation
    • New boot animations for apps
    • Most WinRT tiles can now take the large tile size (including Edge, Calculator, etc)
    • The smilies for additional icons above power have been replaced with actual indicating icons (and some have been updated)
    • Full screen start is now aligned higher, allowing more tiles in the height without a scrollbar appearing
    • Search will now show a "Try Cortana" button on the bottom if Cortana isn't activated
    • You can now swipe up on the left side of start to show all apps
    • Suggested apps can no longer be hidden (or this feature has been removed/disabled totally)

    Interface by ChangeWindows.org

    • The window chrome of Win32 apps is now the same as for WinRT apps
    • The clock, language and other notification-fly-outs have been updated with a transparent background
    • The back-button no longer takes the accent color in some apps
    • Apps no longer have to take a white icon on the taskbar anymore
    • More apps have a tile-less icon on the taskbar
    • Multiple icons have been revamped
    • All Win32 controls have been given a redesign
    • The taskbar animations for loading, needs attention, etc. have been updated
    • The installation experience has been updated, it also introduces more apps
    • There are new default wallpapers
    • Propertie windows have received a visual update
    • In tablet mode, icons no longer disappear behind the Task View, Search and Back button when app icons are shown

    Features by ChangeWindows.org

    • Action center
      • New quick settings for Notes and Quiet hours
    • Cortana
      • Cortana now has a refined UI
      • Additional features have been added, like flight tracking, etc.
      • Cortana now supports Office 365 integration
      • Cortana will sometimes "talk" to you through the searchbox
    • You can now set a timer in the snapping tool

    Edge by ChangeWindows.org

    • Project Spartan has been updated from version 15 to 20 and is now called Microsoft Edge
    • Edge has new icons
    • The feedback icon has been removed from the main bar
    • There is a new share icon on the url bar
    • You can now enable a dark theme for Edge
    • You can now drag and drop tabs between multiple windows
    • Improved ECMAScript 6 support (without flags)
    • You can now manage your passwords
    • You can now change the search provider
    • When closing Edge with 2 or more tabs open, it will now warn you
    • Pinned hubs now look better
    • You can now show a home button
    • Pinning sites to start is broken in that it no longer has the site's theme, but a normal Edge logo

    Apps by ChangeWindows.org

    • Multiple apps have been updated to more recent versions (that already where available for earlier builds)
      • Most stock apps no longer have a background color for their icon in the taskbar
    • Store
      • The "Store" apps has been removed, leaving only "Store (beta)"
      • The Store has received a new design with an interface more similar to other apps (back button in titlebar, etc.)
    • New "Get Office" app
    • New "Phone companion" app
    • New "Microsoft Wi-Fi" app
    • Photos
      • The photos app now supports GIFs
      • You can now choose to open a picture with another app
    • Insider Hub
      • The Insider Hub has to be activated in "Add features"
      • There Insider Hub has a new icon
    • Settings
      • There are new animations when switching applets
      • Automatic color picker now works
      • You can now enable features that aren't enabled by default trough Windows Update
      • You can now exit the Windows Insider program
    영문이라 죄송합니다.

    출처 http://changewindows.org/


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