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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 13-01-26
    방문 : 1664회
    닉네임변경 이력

    꼬마바보님의 댓글입니다.
    번호 제목 댓글날짜 추천/비공감 삭제
    55 외신에 보낼 내용--1차 작성했어요. 한번 봐주세요 (영문) [새창] 2013-12-22 17:58:14 6 삭제
    으잉. 이상하게 올라갔네요.


    I am writing to inform you of illegal, inhumane, and undemocratic doings of South Korea’s Park Government. This is happening NOW. Things are escalating very quickly. Civil authorities are using violence and chemicals to suppress the crowd who are crying for proper democracy. PLEASE view this Live Feed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h4kfRGuapY#t=720494
    The following is the series of events leading up to today’s crisis.
    54 외신에 보낼 내용--1차 작성했어요. 한번 봐주세요 (영문) [새창] 2013-12-22 17:57:45 7 삭제
    루시나님, 최고의 여자님의 댓글 보고, 앞에 이렇게 달면 어떨까 해서 붙여봤어요.


    I am writing to inform you of illegal, inhumane, and undemocratic doings of South Korea’s Park Government. This is happening NOW. Things are escalating very quickly. Civil authorities are using violence and chemicals to suppress the crowd who are crying for proper democracy. PLEASE view this Live Feed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h4kfRGuapY#t=720494
    The following is the series of events leading up to today’s crisis.
    The Korail (a national railroad company in Korea) strike has been against the government’s policy to divide the company into two, it has been argued to be a stepping stone to the privatization of the company.
    Related press release from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF):
    ITF delegation in South Korea finds union repression leads to safety problems

    And the following situations has been strikes and demonstrations, with the citizens’ support
    53 외신에 보낼 내용--1차 작성했어요. 한번 봐주세요 (영문) [새창] 2013-12-22 17:21:50 1 삭제
    넵. 루시나님 감사합니다. 계속 노력해주세요. 너무 수고해주시고 계세요. 화이팅!
    52 외신에 보낼 내용--1차 작성했어요. 한번 봐주세요 (영문) [새창] 2013-12-22 17:21:18 7 삭제
    혹시 여기서 긁어쓰실분도 계실까봐 수정본이에요:
    Railway belong to the people. Abusive Policemen, LEAVE!
    Dec 22nd, since the establishment Korean Confederation of Trade Unions has been forcefully raided by the police for the first time.
    To arrest Korean Railway Workers Union (KRWU) resisting and protesting against privatization of the Railway, Park government is using approximately 5000 civil authorities with violence. They are breaking the window and using violence against the people who are rejecting Railway Privatization and protecting KRWU. Currently, approximately 100 Union members have been arrested and Civil authorities are pressuring towards the HQ through the stairs.

    This is clearly illegal.

    There have not been arrest warrants granted against the KRWU; yet, the ‘Civil Authorities’ have illegally raided, abused, and arrested HQ and its members. Park Government’s illegal actions are not only deceiving the KRWU, but the citizens of South Korea. All civilian organizations are criticizing the current, unprecedented event. However, Park Government has installed Air Mattresses and continuously advancing towards the HQ placing people in the face of danger. The KRWU members are preparing against police’s abusive actions miserably. We do not have anywhere to retreat to. To protect the HQ, and to inform about the legitimacy of Railway strike, the last stand off is at the KRWU HQ.

    No more should these KRWU protesting with legitimate reason be suppressed. This is denying Citizen’s voice. The violence taken against the Union Members have no effect than creating more injured and arrested citizens. No more should there be citizens who are injured and arrested simply because they spoke against the current government in Korea. What Park’s Government should do is not suppressing the KRWU. It is not violently suppressing legal strike. Park’s Government should, as believed by more than 60% of Korea’s Citizens that it is in fact privatization, remove Susuh KTX Corporation founding.
    Railway Strike is LEGAL! PROTECT Liberal Labour Union!
    51 외신에 소식 보내려고 하는데 좀 도와주세요!!! [새창] 2013-12-22 17:21:06 3 삭제
    혹시 여기서 긁어쓰실분도 계실까봐 수정본이에요:
    Railway belong to the people. Abusive Policemen, LEAVE!
    Dec 22nd, since the establishment Korean Confederation of Trade Unions has been forcefully raided by the police for the first time.
    To arrest Korean Railway Workers Union (KRWU) resisting and protesting against privatization of the Railway, Park government is using approximately 5000 civil authorities with violence. They are breaking the window and using violence against the people who are rejecting Railway Privatization and protecting KRWU. Currently, approximately 100 Union members have been arrested and Civil authorities are pressuring towards the HQ through the stairs.

    This is clearly illegal.

    There have not been arrest warrants granted against the KRWU; yet, the ‘Civil Authorities’ have illegally raided, abused, and arrested HQ and its members. Park Government’s illegal actions are not only deceiving the KRWU, but the citizens of South Korea. All civilian organizations are criticizing the current, unprecedented event. However, Park Government has installed Air Mattresses and continuously advancing towards the HQ placing people in the face of danger. The KRWU members are preparing against police’s abusive actions miserably. We do not have anywhere to retreat to. To protect the HQ, and to inform about the legitimacy of Railway strike, the last stand off is at the KRWU HQ.

    No more should these KRWU protesting with legitimate reason be suppressed. This is denying Citizen’s voice. The violence taken against the Union Members have no effect than creating more injured and arrested citizens. No more should there be citizens who are injured and arrested simply because they spoke against the current government in Korea. What Park’s Government should do is not suppressing the KRWU. It is not violently suppressing legal strike. Park’s Government should, as believed by more than 60% of Korea’s Citizens that it is in fact privatization, remove Susuh KTX Corporation founding.
    Railway Strike is LEGAL! PROTECT Liberal Labour Union!
    50 외신에 소식 보내려고 하는데 좀 도와주세요!!! [새창] 2013-12-22 17:17:28 1 삭제
    넵. 고치겠습니다. 감사합니다.
    49 외신에 보낼 내용--1차 작성했어요. 한번 봐주세요 (영문) [새창] 2013-12-22 17:15:58 1 삭제
    알겠습니다. 제가 너무 호소문 처럼 생각을 하였나봐요.

    제가 "we" 라고 쓰려던 취지는 이글을 다수분들이 복사+붙여넣기 하여서 보내는 것도 나쁘지 않을것같다는 생각에서였어요.

    그리고, 상황이 급변하고 있다고 말하는것도 좋을것같아요.

    제가 보낸 이메일들은 다 "URGENT: Undemocratic, Illegal, and Inhumane Violence by South Korean Government" 라고 적었어요. 그리고 The situation is changing rapidly. Your attention is desperately needed. 라고 썻구요.
    48 외신에 보낼 내용--1차 작성했어요. 한번 봐주세요 (영문) [새창] 2013-12-22 17:11:28 11 삭제
    그리고 가능하다면, 이것을 다같이 서명할수있게 구글 도큐먼트에 오픈으로 올리는것은 어떨까요?
    47 외신에 보낼 내용--1차 작성했어요. 한번 봐주세요 (영문) [새창] 2013-12-22 17:10:57 41 삭제
    굉장히 좋은것같아요. 다만 인트로를 "This is a letter from all concerned Koreans around the World" 라고 하면 이상하려나요?
    또한 I was wondering 이라기 보단, We need you to inform the world about the inhumane, undemocratic, and illegal actions taken by the Government of Repulic of Korea. 는 어떤가요?
    46 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2013-12-22 17:00:58 11 삭제
    번역했어요! 쓰세요!

    Railway belong to the people. Abusive Policemen, LEAVE!
    Dec 22nd, since the establishment, Liberal Labour Union has been forcefully raided by the police for the first time.
    To arrest Railway Labour Union HeadQuarters resisting and protesting against privatization of the Railway, Park government is using approximately 5000 civil authorities with violence. They are breaking the window and using violence against the people who are rejecting Railway Privatization and protecting Liberal Labour Union. Currently, approximately 100 Union members have been arrested and Civil authorities are pressuring towards the HQ through the stairs.

    This is clearly illegal.

    There have not been arrest warrants granted against the Labour Union; yet, the ‘Civil Authorities’ have illegally raided, abused, and arrested HQ and its members. Park Government’s illegal actions are not only deceiving the Labour Union, but the citizens of South Korea. All civilian organizations are criticizing the current, unprecedented event. However, Park Government has installed Air Mattresses and continuously advancing towards the HQ placing people in the face of danger. The Railway Labour Union members are preparing against police’s abusive actions miserably. We do not have anywhere to retreat to. To protect the HQ, and to inform about the legitimacy of Railway strike, the last stand off is at the Liberal Labour Union HQ.

    No more should these Railway Labours protesting with legitimate reason be suppressed. This is denying Citizen’s voice. The violence taken against the Union Members have no effect than creating more injured and arrested citizens. No more should there be citizens who are injured and arrested simply because they spoke against the current government in Korea. What Park’s Government should do is not suppressing the Liberal Labour Union. It is not violently suppressing legal strike. Park’s Government should, as believed by more than 60% of Korea’s Citizens that it is in fact privatization, remove Susuh KTX Corporation founding.
    Railway Strike is LEGAL! PROTECT Liberal Labour Union!
    45 Photos: Police Breaks into KCTU [새창] 2013-12-22 17:00:32 8 삭제
    참고로 저기 위에 있는 민주노조편지 번역햇어요. 쓰세요!

    Railway belong to the people. Abusive Policemen, LEAVE!
    Dec 22nd, since the establishment, Liberal Labour Union has been forcefully raided by the police for the first time.
    To arrest Railway Labour Union HeadQuarters resisting and protesting against privatization of the Railway, Park government is using approximately 5000 civil authorities with violence. They are breaking the window and using violence against the people who are rejecting Railway Privatization and protecting Liberal Labour Union. Currently, approximately 100 Union members have been arrested and Civil authorities are pressuring towards the HQ through the stairs.

    This is clearly illegal.

    There have not been arrest warrants granted against the Labour Union; yet, the ‘Civil Authorities’ have illegally raided, abused, and arrested HQ and its members. Park Government’s illegal actions are not only deceiving the Labour Union, but the citizens of South Korea. All civilian organizations are criticizing the current, unprecedented event. However, Park Government has installed Air Mattresses and continuously advancing towards the HQ placing people in the face of danger. The Railway Labour Union members are preparing against police’s abusive actions miserably. We do not have anywhere to retreat to. To protect the HQ, and to inform about the legitimacy of Railway strike, the last stand off is at the Liberal Labour Union HQ.

    No more should these Railway Labours protesting with legitimate reason be suppressed. This is denying Citizen’s voice. The violence taken against the Union Members have no effect than creating more injured and arrested citizens. No more should there be citizens who are injured and arrested simply because they spoke against the current government in Korea. What Park’s Government should do is not suppressing the Liberal Labour Union. It is not violently suppressing legal strike. Park’s Government should, as believed by more than 60% of Korea’s Citizens that it is in fact privatization, remove Susuh KTX Corporation founding.
    Railway Strike is LEGAL! PROTECT Liberal Labour Union!
    44 외신에 소식 보내려고 하는데 좀 도와주세요!!! [새창] 2013-12-22 16:58:26 3 삭제

    이걸 번역한겁니다.
    43 외신에 소식 보내려고 하는데 좀 도와주세요!!! [새창] 2013-12-22 16:58:12 4 삭제
    좀전에 뿌린 전단지 영어 번역했어요. 맞는지 확인해주세요.

    Railway belong to the people. Abusive Policemen, LEAVE!
    Dec 22nd, since the establishment, Liberal Labour Union has been forcefully raided by the police for the first time.
    To arrest Railway Labour Union HeadQuarters resisting and protesting against privatization of the Railway, Park government is using approximately 5000 civil authorities with violence. They are breaking the window and using violence against the people who are rejecting Railway Privatization and protecting Liberal Labour Union. Currently, approximately 100 Union members have been arrested and Civil authorities are pressuring towards the HQ through the stairs.

    This is clearly illegal.

    There have not been arrest warrants granted against the Labour Union; yet, the ‘Civil Authorities’ have illegally raided, abused, and arrested HQ and its members. Park Government’s illegal actions are not only deceiving the Labour Union, but the citizens of South Korea. All civilian organizations are criticizing the current, unprecedented event. However, Park Government has installed Air Mattresses and continuously advancing towards the HQ placing people in the face of danger. The Railway Labour Union members are preparing against police’s abusive actions miserably. We do not have anywhere to retreat to. To protect the HQ, and to inform about the legitimacy of Railway strike, the last stand off is at the Liberal Labour Union HQ.

    No more should these Railway Labours protesting with legitimate reason be suppressed. This is denying Citizen’s voice. The violence taken against the Union Members have no effect than creating more injured and arrested citizens. No more should there be citizens who are injured and arrested simply because they spoke against the current government in Korea. What Park’s Government should do is not suppressing the Liberal Labour Union. It is not violently suppressing legal strike. Park’s Government should, as believed by more than 60% of Korea’s Citizens that it is in fact privatization, remove Susuh KTX Corporation founding.
    Railway Strike is LEGAL! PROTECT Liberal Labour Union!
    42 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2013-12-22 16:25:18 0 삭제
    41 외신에 소식 보내려고 하는데 좀 도와주세요!!! [새창] 2013-12-22 16:13:00 2 삭제
    정리되신것들 보내주실수있으신가요? 지금 생각든게 구글 도큐먼트로 만들어서 서명해도 괜찮을것같아요.

    정확한 사용법은 자세히 모르겠지만, 예전에 여기 현지에서 카톨릭 법대 창설 반대할때 썻던 기억이 있어서 시작은 해놨어요.

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    단축키 운영진에게 바란다(삭제요청/제안) 운영게 게시판신청 자료창고 보류 개인정보취급방침 청소년보호정책 모바일홈