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  • 게시물ID : databox_74515
    작성자 : 얘가말한대!
    추천 : 0
    조회수 : 409
    IP : 119.198.***.67
    댓글 : 0개
    등록시간 : 2021/07/04 16:06:55
    http://todayhumor.com/?databox_74515 모바일
    IS 1 – Walkthrough
    Credits – Anon1234
    Quick Notes
    Minimum recommended to play the game
    Level 9/10
    Weapon: Silver Shotgun (upgradable to Minigun/Futuristic Weapon)
    Shield: Bulletproof vest
    Headgear: Hat (upgradable to Santa Hat)
    Bodygear: Good Quality Clothes
    Accessory: Necklace
    Recommend saving after each quest as well as restarting the games after you’ve completed every 6 quests
    To save on health items head back to bed and “Rest” it will restore HP & MP
    Stock up on First Aid kits and Water
    Avoid all bald headed men in the evening
    USE the map to find your way around, located in the key ITEMS menu
    Doors indicated by carpets
    Replay gallery (2rooms) Located in your room on the left
    Markers tell use were to go and that you need to do something there
    Fighting and winning gains you Exp points, Money and items to use or sell
    More Exp point = Bigger HP & MP bar and become stronger
    Bonus Boxes (Total 8)
    Sister Night Visit (Bonus Scene 1)
    Key box down a manhole near the bar
    Scene box near petrol station
    Mother Angry Footjob (Bonus Scene 2)
    Key box through a hidden rocky path on the left side of beach
    Scene box on the beach
    Sister Foot Job (Bonus Scene 3)
    Key box near the mall
    Scene box near the warehouse
    Drugged Lifeguard (Bonus Scene 4)
    Key box near uncles office (Next to Teacher’s house, near school)
    Scene box near biker gang (New Area Near beach)
    Start by collecting from every room in your house as well, especially the Garage through the kitchen
    Collecting everything from every house in the main map at the very beginning of game
    MONEY – $141
    Apple x 1
    Carrot x2
    First Aid Kit x 10
    Little Water x 3
    Water x 1
    Screwdriver (Needed for a future quest)
    Town Map (Useful for finding your way around)
    Quest #1 – Newspaper Stand
    Location: South End of street, then East
    Quest #2 – Sewer
    Collect gun
    Head North East
    Avoid(Escape) Fighting for now
    Collect items as you go
    Locate Ladder
    Now head home
    Save here
    Quest #3 – Aunt Part 1
    Speak to Mother
    Head East to Aunt house
    Speak to Aunt
    Head to bank and talk to teller
    Head back to aunts house
    Head back to house to get camera located in the basement
    Before doing anything else equip your gun (Esc>Equipment>Select Player>Optimize>Esc)
    Head to attic to collect key for basement, beware of rats
    DO NOT fight more than one rat at a time for now
    Head to basement to collect camera
    Head back to Aunt’s house
    Head home
    Before moving on to the next quest I would recommend farming for money and supplies
    You can farm using the Attic or the basement, just walk/dash around until you begin a fight
    I recommend using the Attic to farm, advantage to this is you don’t have to go far to rest in bed and recover full HP & MP
    Then repeat, this can take a while but worth it in the end
    As you accumulate money you buy new armour(clothing) and weapons and sell the extras to make money faster.
    I recommend using special attack on larger groups and painkillers to extend you time before you need to rest
    Killing 2+ rats = more money, items & Exp. points
    Save periodically
    Once you have enough Exp, weapons and clothes, you can farm in the basement to fight larger group and accumulate more money quickly
    You’ll need a minimum of $3,350 or a max of 17,150/20,150 to get bigger weapons.
    Rest & Save
    Quest #4 – Blondie
    Check Map and head North East
    Enter Compound, wait, talk to blond woman
    Head to School through park, North West
    Make sure you have ample First Aid and Water just in case, you will not be able to go home to rest
    Fight your way to the school
    Use Special attack on final bullies
    Head back to Blond woman
    Head Back Home
    Quest #5 – Prostitute
    Make sure you have $350
    Check Map, go East
    Talk to purple/redish haired woman, behind building as you enter area
    Cannot be revisited
    Head Home
    Quest #6 – Sleeping Pills
    Head to bed, Sleep Till Evening
    Head outside, talk to Tom waiting next to your home
    Head East towards Aunts house
    Once past Aunts House, head south until you see Manhole with marker
    Best to avoid fighting in the sewer
    Collect items as you go South East
    When you enter compound, after fight head into the second building
    Head up through the hallways to get key card to access first door you saw
    head back to entrance hall to access the door with key card
    Once you collect the pills head back through the sewers
    Head home and sleep till morning
    Restart of game recommended
    Quest #7 – Sister Part 1
    Go into sister’s room next door
    Talk to sister
    Head to airport, Check Map
    Head South West
    Enter through gate
    Enter the big building
    Go through building collecting items as you go
    Final marker in the luggage
    Fight your way out of the airport
    Head back and talk to sister
    Quest #8 – Mother Part 1
    Head Downstairs
    Talk to Mother
    Clean backward – beware of rats
    Fights can’t be avoided
    When finished head back to Mother
    Make and give tea to Mother
    Head back to bedroom and rest
    Go to Mother’s room
    Quest #9 – Kate, Police Woman Part 1
    Head Downstairs
    Talk to Police Woman
    Give up and go with her, you will lose the fight
    This will be a while
    Check everything in the sell, EVERYTHING
    Go to the cell door only after guard is in front of it
    Check everything again
    Go to the cell door only after guard is in front of it
    Fight is unavoidable, recommend you avoid
    You can avoid fight from here on, recommended as you lost your gun
    Check all open cells for items
    Talk to female prisoner (Kate), select “take out your dick and let her do what she wants”
    You will need her help later
    When you exit into the police station entrance, enter the door at the opposite end
    Talk to Police Woman
    Head back to cells and release Kate.
    Head back to Police Woman and fight her with Kate
    After “sometime later” head back inside
    Head Home
    Before moving on to the next quest
    If you need to, farm the money you need to your gun again
    You will need $1,200+
    Quest #10 – Mother Part 2
    Talk to Mother
    Head to Mother’s room
    Select “Show her the photos”
    Quest #11 – Sister Part 2
    Enter Sister’s Room
    Read paper
    Head to Nicole’s house – Check Map
    Enter through metal gates
    Select to jump over them
    First fight with dogs unavoidable
    Head north, Enter house
    Collect items as you go
    SAVE before you enter the room with the sister (recommend using a different save slot if you choose not to risk it)
    You will be given 2 choices, each with a different outcome
    But even if you select not to risk it, you can still see the outcome in the Replay Gallery if you did risk it.
    Head Home
    Quest #12 – Nicole Part 1
    Head back to Nicole’s house
    Go to the marker under the window
    Head back home
    Sleep till the evening
    Again, Head back to Nicole’s house
    Go to the marker under the window
    Batteries located in the garage
    Back to Nicole’s and the marker
    Go home and sleep till morning
    then it’s back to Nicole
    No fighting dogs this time
    After scene head home (You can check the different out comes in the Replay Gallery)
    Restart of game recommended
    Quest #13 – Mother part 3
    Talk to Dad
    Talk to Mother
    Go to the shop opposite the house for the Alcohol
    Go to Aunts House
    Wine is located in the last room upstairs
    Go home and give the wine to Mother
    Tidy up the house, Locate 7 items
    4 x Ground Floor
    1 x Garage
    2 x Upstairs
    After Scene, Select Father quest
    Quest #14 – Father & Teacher part 1
    Head to Father’s Office (Check map, Near Nicole’s House)
    Talk to Secretary
    Head to School (Check map)
    Enter through the first door you see at the school
    Select to keep watching
    Go all the way to the top floor
    Check Marker
    Check lift on same floor
    3 Parts are needed for lift, to be placed in this order
    Cables (Class Room on ground floor)
    Control Panel (In locker on second floor next to stairs)
    Switch (Class Room next to lift)
    Head Home
    Quest #15 – Aunt Part 2
    Head to pool (Check Map)
    Enter building all the way at the end of area
    Talk to receptionist
    You do not need to pay the $1500 for the pass
    Go behind the build opposite the pool and access the manhole
    Swimming trunks located in your room at home
    Flip Flops can be bought at the clothing shop in main area, $120, but after you get the trunks
    Go back to the manhole behind the build opposite the pool
    Go through the sewer, fights avoidable, head east
    Change to trunks
    Try to go to pool, through the door
    Have a shower
    Visit Aunt
    Change back to your clothes
    Head home
    Quest #16 – Mother Part 4, Aunt Part 3, Life guard Part 1, Sales Woman
    Talk to sister
    Head to Mother’s room
    Talk to sister
    Head to the pub (check map, past the airport)
    Talk to dad
    Talk to Kate outside pub next to bike
    Buy petrol from gas station (past Blondie’s quest area)
    Speak to Sales Woman
    Leave petrol station and go to fence, north west, there is a part you can break with the “Screwdriver”
    Fights avoidable
    Fight in house, East, unavoidable
    Check Chest
    Go back to Petrol station, talk to Sales Woman
    Head back to Kate and give the petrol
    You are now at the beach (New area)
    You check houses for items
    Ask everyone around if they’ve seen day
    Head south to the beach
    Change to trunks
    Speak to every on beach
    Speak to lifeguard again
    Head to marker and use
    Leave the beach, change clothes
    Speak to bald headed man outside grey building
    Locate 7 bags, check within the area, beach and inside the buildings
    Go back to bald headed man
    Head back to beach and previous marker
    Stay on the beach and head east
    Speak to dad to receive key
    Go back to Kate (Where she dropped you off)
    Go back home, then Mother’s room
    Quest #17 – Father, Police Woman part 2
    Go to Police Station
    Speak to the man at desk
    Go into Police Woman’s office, same one as in Part 1
    Speak with her, she wants you to find a formula
    Go to the beach, speak to Kate near the bar to take you there
    Go East when you arrive
    Except for the 1st one the fights are avoidable
    Go North to the marker, find out you need a code to enter
    Head back to beach, look for and speak to the bald headed man
    Fight and get the code “1122” (MAKE a note of it)
    Head back to the warehouse and use the code
    Once inside locate the formula, should be in one of the green cabinets
    Once located Go back to the beach and have Kate take you back
    Go back to the Police Woman and give her the formula
    Head back home
    Quest #18 – Sister Part 3
    Talk to sister
    Go to bed and you will Sleep till evening
    Head to the Mall, Pass the bar
    Use “screwdriver” to break into the mall
    Fight inside is unavoidable
    Head to the food shop and go to the register
    Go to the restaurant and check the chalkboard
    Go to the clothes shop and check the book near the door
    Go to the Jewellers and get the necklace
    Head back home and give the necklace to the sister in her room (DO NOT Sleep till morning)
    Quest #19 – Aunt Part 4
    While still in the evening
    Go to Mother’s room and enter
    Keep Watching
    Go to Aunt’s house
    Enter Garage next to Aunt’s house
    Try car door
    Look for car keys
    Head outside and go to the marker under the window
    Enter wooden door (Now open)
    Look for car key again
    Head back to garage and enter car
    Head back home and Sleep till morning
    Quest #20 – Tom’s Mother, Mother Part 5, Sister Part 4
    Go to the garage and speak to mum
    Say Yes
    Speak to the man in the red trunk next to the and rope and vases
    Leave the beach, change into your clothes and head North West, you see a footpath
    Go through forest, beware of wolves, all avoidable
    As you see house, you can enter them and find items
    You will find Tom’s house at the end of the street, enter it
    Head back to the beach and talk to the man in red trucks
    Give the fish to Dad
    The scenes can be replayed many times in new ways, until you stop/continue it (same in the Replay gallery)
    Quests #21-#26 fall under the umbrella of Mother part 6, Sister Part 5
    Quest #21 – Teacher Part 2
    Speak to Mother, twice
    Speak to Sister, Twice, ask both questions
    Head to the school
    Check the billboard inside the school
    Head outside the school and go west
    Enter the first house you see
    Talk to teacher
    Go to gangsters house past the police station, first double doors you see in Blondies area
    Head upstairs
    All fight unavoidable if you bump into the guards
    You can’t win against the boss
    Head back to the teacher’s house
    Avoid bumping into the guards while leaving if you can
    After the teacher head back home
    Speak to Mother
    Quest #22 – Aunt Part 5
    Got to Aunt’s house
    Speak to Aunt outside garage
    Get keys from table
    Quest #23 – Cousin
    Try the gate and the marker
    Locate 2 pieces of Rope 1 Far North West, 1 inside restaurant in the south
    Head back to the maker at uncle’s house and use with rope
    Go to the last door in the hallway
    Head outside and check both stacks of Tyres
    Go back inside and use keys
    Check Markers
    Clean up the rooms
    Call a cab
    As leaving WALK do NOT dash
    walk to the object next to the sink
    Press it, stairs will appear above you, walk to them
    Go outside and get the taxi, located all the way at the bottom(South)
    Go home and Speak to Sister
    Quest #24 – Aunt Part 6
    Go to aunt’s house, ring the door bell
    Got to Uncle’s office near the teacher’s house
    Go on the lawn pass the both houses and you should see a marker
    Better save here, you need to avoid everyone in order to get to your uncle
    Speak to uncle
    Head back to Aunt’s house and the marker under the window
    Quest #25 – Nicole Part 2
    Go to Nicoles house
    Go to the Mall
    Head to the benches next to the boat
    Talk to Nicole
    Head into the shopping centre
    Enter the restaurant
    But the Wine from the man in the trench coat
    Go back to Nicole give her the Wine
    Start by kissing, Touching, Take of her pants
    Head Home
    Quest #26 – Prostitute Part 2, Tom Part 1
    Head to the beach
    Ask Kate for a lift
    Head South East to new area
    Head North to the big building (Hotel)
    Speak to Reception
    Head upstairs to the top floor
    Look for a red door at the end of the hallway
    Head back to reception
    Head back to the top floor and the key card is in the first room, looks like a red box
    Open red door
    Go to and enter the Warehouse
    Locate the sleeping pill
    Head back to Tom at the hotel, where you last saw him
    Go to shop at the beach, between to Kate, a popcorn stand and has a man standing by the door
    Speak to the Salesman over the counter
    Head back to the new area near the beach and head south
    Defeat all the bikers
    Go back to the shop and speak to Salesman
    Go to Tom’s house
    Speak to Tom who is waiting outside
    Go back to Kate, have her take you back home
    Go to your room
    Use marker to change
    Have a shower in the bathroom downstairs, entrance located in the sitting room with the TV
    Head back to the room
    Quest #27 – Aunt Part 7
    Head downstairs
    Talk to Aunt
    Clean the attic, beware of BIG rats
    Head downstairs and listen to Mother and sister argue
    Talk to Mother
    Talk to Aunt
    Talk to Sister
    Go to teacher’s house
    Make sure you have ample health packs
    Go to Furniture store beyond the Prostitute area and pool
    Enter Store
    Talk to Salesman
    Still in the store head east
    Go to marker and talk to organiser
    Participate in game
    Collect laser gun from cabinet
    Enter door to begin
    Defeat everyone to win
    Take the ticket to furniture salesman
    Return home
    Go to the attic and talk with Aunt
    Go back and talk to Aunt after talking to Mother
    Repeat talking to her to go through all 4 choice
    You can visit her anytime and replay
    Quest #28 – Father, Teacher Part 3
    Go to teacher house
    Enter House
    Sneak/run past her to get whats on the table
    Get caught and thrown out, you will still have the phone with you
    Go to the Gangsters house (same place you got the deed)
    Give phone to gangster boss, he’s there as you walk in
    go upstairs to the bosss office
    Talk to boss’s girlfriend
    Go to the school
    As you enter you fight the bullies again
    Head to the top floor
    Place video camera at marker
    Head home
    Quest #29 – Mother Part 7
    Talk to Mother
    Quest (Side) #30 – Lifeguard Part 2
    Head out of the house
    Click on marker on TV
    Give package to lifeguard and leave
    Go to the warehouse
    Check all the markers, one is in the North East
    Enter secret room
    Speak to bald headed man and fight him
    Exit Warehouse
    Check all the rooms then add drug to wine
    Go to marker in kitchen
    You can replay scene anytime by clicking on the marker on tv
    Quest #31 – Gangsters Girlfriend
    Head to Gangsters house
    Go upstairs
    Talk to Gangsters Girlfriend
    Quest #32 – Sister Part 6
    Make sure you have ample health packs
    Head to the park (Check map)
    Head North and little to the west of the park
    Save your sister
    Talk to sister
    Head Home
    Save (might be a good idea to save this in a different slot)
    Quest #33 – Mother Part 8, Sister Part 7
    Speak to Mother
    Go to bed and rest
    Go to bathroom downstairs
    Speak with Mother and Sister
    Have a shower
    I recommend saving here so that you may be able to visit the replay gallery in the future.
    Sit on the chair next to couch
    Save ( File that has the minimum to survive the game, although it does complete the first 2 quests, Peek on Mother and Taking a picture of Aunt.)

    얘가말한대!의 꼬릿말입니다

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    푸르딩딩:추천수 3이상 댓글은 배경색이 바뀝니다.
    (단,비공감수가 추천수의 1/3 초과시 해당없음)

    죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.

    번호 제 목 이름 날짜 조회 추천
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    1 댓글캐리어 21/10/03 09:18 371 0
    야인시대ost ‘나 사나이다’ 원곡자가 부릅니다. 펌글베스트금지외부펌금지 opqrst 21/09/29 09:41 398 0
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