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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 19-01-24
    방문 : 1452회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : music_175173
    작성자 : 콰이어
    추천 : 3
    조회수 : 287
    IP : 112.160.***.92
    댓글 : 2개
    등록시간 : 2023/06/07 13:59:53
    http://todayhumor.com/?music_175173 모바일
    If You Think You're Lonely Now
    <p> </p><div class="badge badge-style-type-verified-artist style-scope ytd-badge-supported-renderer" style="margin:0px 0px 1px;padding:0px 0px 0px 4px;border:0px;background:none;"> <div style="margin:0px;padding:0px;border:0px;background:transparent;width:14px;height:14px;"> </div> <span class="style-scope ytd-badge-supported-renderer" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;border:0px;background:transparent;"></span></div> <div class="style-scope ytd-channel-name" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;border:0px;background:transparent;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"> <div class="style-scope ytd-channel-name" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;border:0px;background:transparent;"> <a class="yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxArAA8kS8lqzS3p5eXGiqA" style="display:block;margin-right:-.1em;padding-right:.1em;white-space:pre;overflow:hidden;" target="_blank">Bobby Womack</a></div> <div class="style-scope tp-yt-paper-tooltip fade-in-animation" style="margin:8px;padding:8px;border:0px;display:block;font-family:Roboto, Arial, sans-serif;text-transform:none;font-weight:400;">Bobby Womack</div> </div> <p> </p> <p> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FzHVEjk9YII" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0"></iframe> </p> <p> </p> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>I wanna dedicate this song to all the lovers tonight</span><br><span>And I expect that might be the whole world</span><br><span>Because everybody needs something or someone to love</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>When it's cold outside who are you holding?</span><br><span>You know, if y'all don't mind I'd like to talk about this woman of mine</span><br><span>She's always complainin' 'bout me never bein' at home</span><br><span>But when I'm there I'm broke</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>She's tellin' me about the things that her girlfriend's got</span><br><span>What she ain't got and she wants me to go out and get 'em for her</span><br><span>But girl, I can't be in two places at one time</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>If you think you're lonely now, huh</span><br><span>Wait until tonight, girl (If you think you're lonely now)</span><br><span>I'll be long gone (Wait until tonight, girl)</span><br><span>And you'll find another man that'll treat you right</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>When I ain't there to rub your back</span><br><span>(Wait until tonight, girl)</span><br><span>Just remember I made it a known fact</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>And the skeletons come out of the closet</span><br><span>And chase you all around your room</span><br><span>And the memories sail 'round like a ghost</span><br><span>And dance around to a sad slow tune</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>If you think you're lonely now (If you think you're lonely now)</span><br><span>Oh, wait until tonight, girl (Wait until tonight, girl)</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>I'll be long gone (If you think you're lonely now)</span><br><span>And you'll never find another man who can treat you like me</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>You think you're lonely now</span><br><span>(Wait until tonight, girl)</span><br><span>Wait, wait, wait until tonight, girl</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>Oh, ain't it funny how the tables turn</span><br><span>When things aren't goin' your way?</span><br><span>But when love walks out and the pain walks in</span><br><span>And settles for a stay, ooh</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>Lord, help me, I feel like I wanna testify (Wait until tonight, girl)</span><br><span>(If you think you're lonely now)</span><br><span>Girl, wait until tonight (Wait until tonight girl)</span><br><span>If you think you're lonely, lonely, lonely now (If you think you're lonely now)</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>Oh, you just wait until tonight, girl (Wait until tonight, girl)</span><br><span>(If you think you're lonely now)</span><br><span>(Wait until tonight, girl)</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>You see the night's the time when the needs come out</span><br><span>When your needs come out to breathe</span><br><span>And the jonesing starts and there ain't no way you can sleep, ooh</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>If you're lonely now</span><br><span>(Wait until tonight, girl)</span><br><span>I feel like I wanna testify this evenin'</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>I'm lonely, 'cause I know I gotta leave you, oh, girl</span><br><span>I just can't take no more (Wait until tonight, girl)</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>If you think you got problems now, baby, you just wait</span><br><span>Wait (Wait until tonight, girl)</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>Too far gone</span><br><span>Like you're runnin' out (Wait until tonight, girl)</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb" style="margin-bottom:12px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>Ooh, hoo, ooh, hoo, babe</span><br><span>(Wait until tonight, girl)</span><br><span>You say you're a little lonely</span> </div> <div class="ujudUb WRZytc" style="margin-bottom:0px;color:#202124;font-family:'Apple SD Gothic Neo', arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span>But everybody needs somebody to love</span><br><span>(Wait until tonight, girl)</span><br><span>It's good that you know that you got somebody that'll stand by your side (If you think you're lonely now)</span><br><span>That'll build you up when you're fallin' down (Wait until tonight, girl)</span><br><span>And you had that someone, baby (If you think you're lonely now)</span><br><span>'Cause I've done my time</span><br><span>(Wait until tonight, girl)</span><br><span>And it's your turn now</span><br><span>If you think you're lonely now (If you think you're lonely now)</span><br><span>Wait, wait until tonight (Wait until tonight, girl)</span><br><span>(If you think you're lonely now)</span><br><span>I'm tired, tired of this same old stuck in the hour</span><br><span>(Wait until tonight, girl)</span><br><span>It's been too long</span><br><span>(If you think you're lonely now)</span><br><span>You think, you could start all over again, it's been too long</span><br><span>(Wait until tonight, girl)</span><br><span>You think you could start it just one more time</span><br><span>(If you think you're lonely now)</span> </div>

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2023/06/07 19:16:23  59.2.***.158  사과나무길  563040
    [2] 2023/06/07 19:35:13  211.173.***.86  쏘야는빨개요  773796
    [3] 2023/06/13 13:57:23  125.143.***.165  댓글만비공감  562654
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